Apply For 2025-2026
The Application period for the 2025-26 school year will open on January 13, 2025.
Click the "Timeline" section below for all details.
Application Sections
Thank you for your interest in applying for Katherine Johnson STEM Academy for the 2025-26 School Year.
The 2025-26 Application Consists of the Following Sections:
Student Information
Parent/Guardian Information
- Parent Questionnaire and Student Questionnaire (It is recommended to review the questionnaire questions at ( prior to beginning the application)
Electronic Signatures
January 13, 2025: Application Opens
February 28, 2025: Application and Checklist Items Deadline
March 3 - March 7: Families Notified of Acceptance/Status
March 21: Deadline for Accepted Families to Commit
May 2: Registration Deadline for Committed Families
- Summer 2025: Rolling Enrollment
QUESTIONS? CALL US AT 323.673.1230